Web Desing

Regular price $0.00

Creation of Layout (graphic interface), this layout will be done thinking about the customer's focus and how it will act on the web, either by simply exposing your address or even selling some product on your web site.

ASP, PHP or HTML programming according to the chosen plan or customization negotiated in the contracting of the service with contents, be it texts, images or videos made available by the client. If we are not available to perform some service we will indicate a path.

Basic SEO support, with this support we will include your domain in the search engines, we will create keyword and key expressions and description of the pages. We'll include a system of google analytics, and google tracking so you can work the SEO of your site wherever you are.

Depending on the plan or customized customization will be delivered before the launch of the site a web manager that we call CMS to be able to manage the content (s) stipulated in contract. These tools may include or exclude photos, videos, music, or other types of files that are supported by your hosting server. If the project does not have a monthly maintenance contract, the change in the time-technical / time-development equation will be charged in order to ensure a fair negotiation.

Some cases will have Flash Application Development such as communication, sound player, video player or even flash games